قسم الفيزياء
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كلية التربية - طرابلس
قسم الفيزياء
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مقال في مؤتمر علمي (7)
مقال في مجلة علمية (36)
كتاب (2)
Theoretical Study of Phosphorus Impurity Incorporation in ZnO
A. M. Gsiea & M. K. Atumi (6-2023)
Rwafed Al- Maerefah Journal – Faculty of Sciences – Azzaytuna University, 10(0), pp. 47-54.
EPR Centers for Nickel Substitutional impurity in diamond
A. M. Gsiea, M. K. Atumi (6-2023)
Journal of the Faculty of Education Tripoli, 17(1), pp. 308-315.
Defect Properties of Nitrogen in ZnO
M. K. Atumi & A. M. Gsiea (6-2023)
Rwafed Al- Maerefah Journal – Faculty of Sciences – Azzaytuna University, 10(1), pp. 24-30.
First-principles study of preferential alignment of Si-related defects on (110) diamond
A. M. Gsiea & M. K. Atumi (6-2023)
Journal of the Faculty of Education Tripoli, 18(1), pp. 251-263.
Theoretical Study of Phosphorus Impurity Incorporation in ZnO
A. M. Gsiea, M. K. Atumi (6-2023)
Rwafed Al- Maerefah Journal – Faculty of Sciences – Azzaytuna University, 10(1), pp. 47-54.
Defect Properties of Nitrogen in ZnO
M. K. Atumi & A. M. Gsiea (6-2023)
Rwafed Al- Maerefah Journal – Faculty of Sciences – Azzaytuna University, 10(1), pp. 24-30.
EPR Centers for Nickel Substitutional impurity in diamond
A. M. Gsiea, M. K. Atumi (6-2023)
Journal of the Faculty of Education Tripoli, 17(1), pp. 286-292.
Electrical properties of Brain Tissues of Irradiated Rats within (1x10-4 - 5) MHz
Ahmed M Elhaj, Tahani S Elabani, Adel G Diyaf, Ahmed M Khatib, Khaled A, Marghan (12-2022)
The Libyan Journal of Science, 25(2), pp. 1-6.