Master in Arabic Literature studies

Faculty of Arts and Languages - Department of Arabic Language



Master's degree in Literature studies  programme prepares students scientifically and intellectually,  and qualifies students to study and to conduct research in issues related  to Arabic literature  through compulsory and optional specialized modules. To connect students with updated knowledge, to study supportive modules that introduce students to various sources of knowledge;such as, research methodology and tools, and to prepare students to write a scientific thesis, including scientific and methodological basics.


Preparing qualified scientific staff that meet the needs of society in the field of Literature  and linguistic studies

Directing students to research in classic and contemporary linguistic and Literature  fields

Connecting students with everything new in contemporary linguistic and Literature  studies

Providing students with scientific and methodological foundations, and scientific research tools to assist them in their studies and research


Skilled specialists in Arabic linguistic and Literature sciences, who are fluent in linguistic and Literature communication, capable of creating scientific and national foundations in society.   Providing  the labor market in various disciplines. The department proceeds according to advanced scientific studies, meeting the requirements of undergraduate students, opening horizons for students in scientific research.

Certificate Rewarded

Master's degree in Literature studies degree

Entry Reuirements

The student must have a first university degree or its equivalent from the faculty of Arts, in the Arabic language major.

The student should submit an original copy of the transcript and the contents of all the courses he studied at the undergraduate level.

Employer approval for full-time or part-time study workers.

 Passing remedial or qualifying courses before enrolling in a postgraduate program if the university degree is not equivalent to what is awarded by the faculty of Arts, Department of Arabic Language.

Students are accepted according to the priority of their estimates in the first university degree, with the exception of foreign students who have scholarships in implementation of agreements concluded between the State of Libya and other countries.

The department undertakes the assessment and equivalence of the courses studied by the student at a recognized university with other courses in the department, provided that  the number of units does not exceed half the number of courses or units required to obtain the license for which the applicant is applying.

The student must pass an admission test to ensure his ability to continue studying at this stage.

Study Plan

The Master in Arabic Literature studies prepares students to qualify for Master in Arabic Literature studies. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 2 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 133 units, which include 0 units of general subjects, and 0 major units

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
501 ع. د 03 Compulsory +

502 ع. د 03 Compulsory +

503 ع. د 03 Compulsory +

504 ع. د 03 Compulsory +

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
505 ع. د 03 Compulsory +

506 ع. د 03 Compulsory +

507 ع. د 03 Compulsory +

508 ع. د 03 Compulsory +