Bachelor in mathematics

faculty of Education Tripoli - Department of Mathematics



The study program in the Department of Mathematics requires the study of (53) courses with (139) units of study in a semester study system. This program includes the following requirements: - First: Mandatory requirements (university requirements) these are (10) courses, Second: Faculty requirements (educational subjects) these are (11) courses, Third:  the requirements of the department (specialization subjects) and these are (32) courses, including one supporting subject by (3) study units in addition to one elective subject by (3) study units to be selected from among (4) elective courses. 

Teaching Practice and the graduation project are among the aforementioned requirements, where the student is trained in the Teaching Practice course to apply the teaching process and work with students directly within secondary or basic education institutions (the duration of training ranges from six to eight consecutive weeks), while the graduation project qualifies the graduate of the Department of Mathematics to perform his scientific tasks in the future with high competence and efficiency. After the student in the Department of Mathematics passes all the requirements of the program in at least eight semesters, he will be granted a Bachelor's degree in mathematics that enables him/her to be engaged in the labor market.


1- Preparing graduates specialized in mathematics who contribute to national development programs and plans in public and higher education.

2- Providing students with concepts, foundations, theories and psychological and educational applications for teaching in general and teaching mathematics in particular that will help the student to teach effectively.

3- Enabling students to have Arabic, English language and computer technology skills and to obtain religious, national, moral and societal values.

4- Enabling students to acquire research skills that enable them to complete their specialized postgraduate studies in the future.


1- Distinguish the basic concepts, principles, theories and laws in all branches of mathematics and statistics.

2- Clarifies the basic educational concepts and principles that enable him/her to use effective teaching aides.

3- Identify the basic concepts and principles in the Arabic language, English language, computer principles and Quranic studies.

4- Compare the methods and methods of scientific research and its applications.

5- Interprets the relationships and meanings of mathematical blames and the results of statistical analyzes.

6- Discusses the methods, methods and strategies of teaching mathematics.

7- Develop his/her Arabic and English language and use technology to serve his/her field of specialization.

8 - Links between the rules and theories in the field of scientific research with the skills of critical thinking, creativity and problem solving.

9- Employs concepts, rules and theories in the branches of mathematics and statistics in different situations.

10- Uses educational and psychological concepts, principles and theories in teaching mathematics.

11. Apply information technology and language skills in in-service professional development.

12. Employs research skills in the field of solving educational problems and learning difficulties in mathematics.

Certificate Rewarded

Bachelor of Mathematics.

Entry Reuirements

1- To have a high school certificate (scientific section) or any other certificate equivalent to it according to the approved percentage for admission (65%) with a good grade, and not to have been more than three years from the date of graduation.

2- To be able to continue studying in his desired specialization.

3- Submit the original required documents determined by the university administration.

4- The student should not have been previously dismissed from studying in faculty or universities, and the college has the right to determine certain conditions and specifications for admission related to personality or to conduct an acceptance exam to differentiate between applicants, taking into account the conditions and specifications that must be available in the teacher.

Study Plan

The Bachelor in mathematics prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in mathematics. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 139 units, which include 40 units of general subjects, and 95 major units, 3 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AR103 Arabic language 1 02 University requirement +

Students apply the rules, especially the principles of writing, during the lecture, which are as follows: . The word: its meaning and its divisions - Noun, verb and a letter signs. - . Types of nouns, types of verbs - . Types of nouns, types of verbs - .Al-Ta'a Al-Morbouta and Al-Ta'a Al-Maftoha'ah - The difference between close letters. - - Elementary Hamza (section at the beginning of the word, and linking) definition, drawing method, pronunciation, location, originality and addition, placements, the rule of distinction between the two ( types of Hamza). - General applications on the vocabulary of the course through the texts of the Holy Qur’an, the Prophet’s Sunnah, and the eyes of poetry and prose, provided that their number is not less than ten texts, which the student is required to have, provided that exam questions do not deviate from them.

MM105 Linear Algebra 1 03 Compulsory +

This course introduces students to the basic concepts of matrices and concepts related to determinants. It also deals with ways to solve a system of linear equations using determinants. This course aims to develop the student's ability to identify types of matrices and perform row operations on matrices, as well as knowing ways to find the inverse of a matrix and determine whether it is invertible. The course also aims to enhance students' skills in finding a solution to a system of linear equations using matrices and determinants, through scheduled training and a variety of evaluation methods. The course focuses on using matrices and determinants to solve a system of linear equations.

MM103 Planar and Analytical Geometry 03 Compulsory +

This course introduces the student to the basic concepts of the coordinate system (Cartesian, polar) and the relationship between them. It also deals with some engineering concepts such as point and slope (distance between two points - dividing straight lines from inside and outside). This course also aims to develop the student's ability to identify vectors (in two dimensions), change coordinates and the straight line (the different forms of the straight line equation), as well as knowing the basic concepts in the circle and conic sections.. The course also aims to enhance students' skills in solving problems with several ideas dealing with circles and conic sections.

AR101 Quranic Studies 1 02 University requirement +

In the classroom, students study the aspect of faith as follows: - the meaning of religion and the need of people for it, and the most important characteristics of the Islamic religion. B- Faith and action. - Increase and decrease of faith. - Deprivation of faith. C- Pillars of faith. First: Belief in God Almighty. - The existence of God and the evidence for him - the meaning of the monotheism of God. - Attributes of Allah Almighty. - The Beautiful Names of Allah. Second: Belief in angels: their truth, attributes, and functions. Third: Belief in the heavenly books and introducing them. Fourth: Belief in the Messengers: The difference between the Prophet and the Messenger. Prophecy is a blessing. The number of Messengers. - The (Olo Alazem) .- The attributes due to the messengers .- The virtue of our Prophet Muhammad - may God's peace and blessings be upon him - .- The generality of his message and that he is the last prophet that came to spread the message of Islam .- The obligation to love him .- The measure by which his love is known. Fifth- Belief in (Alyawm AlAkher): - the minor and major Signs of the Hour. - Conditions of the other world: conditions of death and isthmus – (Resurrection - Hashr - Intercession - Presentation and calculation - Balance - Basin - Path - Paradise - Hell. Sixth: Belief in predestination and destiny. - The meaning of destiny and predestination. - The meaning of belief in predestination. - The advantage of faith in predestination. - Satisfaction with predestination does not contradict the introduction of reasons. - Man is responsible for his actions and invoking predestination is misguidance.

CS100 computer 1 02 University requirement +

This course covers the following main headings, which are the uses of the computer - its types - the binary digital system - the physical components of the computer - types of software - computer networks - the basics of the Internet - computer crimes and data security and protection.

MM101 General Mathematics 1 04 Compulsory +

This course provides students with a general study of sets and inequalities, as well as relationships and functions. This course aims to develop the student's ability to find the limits of functions and prove continuity. The course also aims to enhance students' skills in deriving real algebraic functions and applications (incremental and decreasing functions - Rolle's theory - mean value theory - maximum and minimum limits - concavity and convexity inflection points - drawing curves). The course focuses on methods of finding the derivative of algebraic and non-algebraic real functions and applications of the derivative.

EN100 General English1 02 University requirement +

This course aims to develop the students' ability to deal with the English basics used in everyday life. It helps them communicate correctly and improve their English language four skills ( listening, speaking, reading and writing ) by using efficient and helpful exercises, conversations, examples and activities . It also provides them with the basic and simple grammar of English language ( like verbs, simple present, present continuous… ) and commonly used vocabulary and phrases.

EPSY101 Fundamentals of Education 02 Compulsory +

It clarifies the historical, philosophical and social foundations of education, and clarifies the relationship between education and society, its goals and aspirations. Learn about the methods and skills that help educators perform their tasks efficiently.

EPSY 100 General Psychology 02 Compulsory +

The concept of general psychology. The objectives of psychology and the variables that govern behavior, types of branches of psychology. The most important concepts and principles related to psychology. Research methods in general psychology, general psychological laws of human behavior. Schools of Psychology - Nervous System and Behavior. Higher mental processes, learning, the concept of stimulus and response, the concept of intelligence, perception, sensation, remembering, forgetting, and thinking. Motivation: Defining motivation and the different classifications of motives that can be limited to biological and physiological motives, employing psychological knowledge and educational concepts to serve the educational process.

ST101 Introduction to Statistics 03 Compulsory +

This course introduces students to the basic concepts of statistics, types of statistical data, the concept of statistical population, sample and types of samples. Present statistical data in frequency tables and graphic forms. This course also aims at developing the student's ability to find out measures of central tendency, dispersion, skewness and kurtosis, as well as knowledge of correlation and regression.

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AR102 Quranic studies2 02 University requirement AR101 +

Students study in the classroom the aspect of worship and the study includes the following: - Worship concept and objectives. - Purity: its definition, divisions and rulings: pure objects and unclean objects - what is permissible to eat and wear and what is not permissible - water, its divisions and rulings. - Ablution: its definition, conditions, statutes, Sunnahs, mustahabbah, makrooh and contradictions. - Wiping over the socks. - Ghusl: its obligations, conditions, statutes, Sunnahs, mustahabbah, and types.- Things that prevent the smaller and larger event - Wiping on the cast. - Tayammum: its causes, conditions, pillars, Sunnahs, mustahabbat, and contradictions. - Prayer: its times, conditions, statutes, Sunnahs, and invalidations.

MM114 Aerospace Engineering 03 Compulsory MM103 +

This course introduces students to the basic concepts of the coordinate system: (Cartesian - cylindrical - spherical). It also deals with methods for finding the length and division of a line segment. This course aims to develop the student's ability to determine the locus, vectors, plane, straight line, and surfaces of the second degree. The course focuses on geometry in three dimensions and quadratic surfaces.

MM102 General Mathematics 2 03 Compulsory MM101 +

This course provides the student with the basic concepts of non -algebraic functions, as it deals with the graph and the properties and finding derivatives for these functions, and this course aims at developing the student's ability to find limited and unlimited integration of algebraic and non -algebraic functions, as well as knowing the properties of unlimited integration, and the course also aims at Enhancing students' skills in finding the integration of real algebraic functions, and non-algebraic and using integration methods. The course focuses on the ways to find the integration of real, algebraic and non-algebraic functions and integration applications.

MM215 Linear Algebra (2) 03 Compulsory MM105 +

This course introduces the student to the basic concepts of vector spaces, linear transformations, and deals with the inner multiplication space (definitions, examples, and basic properties). This course aims to develop the student's ability to determine the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix.

EPSY 203 Developmental Psychology 02 General EPSY 100 +

Course shortdescription: The course aims to acquire the student: The concept of growth. Growth demands, laws of growth. The theoretical and applied importance of studying developmental psychology. Factors affecting the growth process - genetic factors - environmental factors - other factors). Research Methods in Developmental Psychology:( The historical curriculum - the descriptive approach - the experimental approach - the clinical approach), the stages of child development, its manifestations, gender differences, and its educational applications Childhood problems, adolescence - concept - definition, demands of growth in adolescence. The theoretical and applied importance of studying the psychology of adolescence. Factors affecting the development of the adolescent's personality: (vital factors - environmental factors - other factors) Stages of adolescent development, its manifestations, gender differences, and its educational applications: (adulthood - early adolescence. middle adolescence - late adolescence - adolescence problems

EPSY 201 General Teaching Methods 02 Compulsory +

The student acquires some cognitive, emotional and skill aspects of education related to teaching and its methods that help them in teaching general education curricula. The student is characterized by the moral values and positive attitudes required by the teaching profession. The student has the ability to use modern teaching methods that emphasize the learners' activity and positivity and take into account the individual differences among them. The student formulates behavioral goals in its various fields (cognitive, emotional, and psychomotor): He has the ability to plan effectively (daily, quarterly, and annual), and he has the ability to manage the classroom effectively.

EN101 General English2 02 University requirement EN100 +

This course is designed to enhance the students' ability to deal with the concepts used in English language and upgrade their knowledge of English in an authentic context. It also teaches the language required for performing the language which are necessary for any kind of English language enquiry.

CS101 Computer 2 02 University requirement CS100 +

This course gives the student a quick introduction to: computers, their operating system, application programs, windows and their uses, Paint, notebooks, Internet browsers, and the use of application programs, Word, Excel, and Power Point in practice. Where the practical part is considered the largest part for acquiring practical skills, and these programs will help the student in completing his duties, his graduation project, and in his practical life after graduation.

ST102 Introduction to the science of Probabilities 03 Compulsory ST101 +

This course introduces students to the principles and foundations of probability. It also deals with basic concepts of probability science, such as random experiments, sample space, the event and its types, and algebraic operations on it. This course also aims at developing the student’s ability to use sample space counting methods, methods of calculating probability, as well as distinguishing between conditional probability and independence,finally the course aims at enhancing students' skills in using Bayes' theorem.

AR104 Arabic language 2 02 University requirement AR103 +

Students apply the rules, especially the principles of writing, during the lecture, and they are as follows: . Construction and syntax, and the building of nouns, verbs and letters- . Conditions of syntax, and its original and sub-signs- . Applications on the primary Hamza- . The provisions of the moderate and extreme Hamza- Soft Alaff. - - Administrative writing: application, its contents, formulation, forms: university application, job, transfer, loan. - General applications on the vocabulary of the course through the texts of the Holy Qur’an, the Prophet’s Sunnah, and from a prospective of poetry and prose, provided that their number is not less than ten texts, which the student is required to have, provided that exam questions do not deviate from them.

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
EPSY 202 Basics Of Curriculums 02 Compulsory EPSY 203 +

The mini-description recognizes the importance of studying curriculum science and recognizes the concepts associated with the school curriculum. Compares the main trends about the concept of the school curriculum and its theories, historical stages, and the factors of its development and improvement It accommodates the components of the school curriculum system, and its Islamic rooting. Acquire the skill of formulating educational objectives. Understand the extent of integration and overlap of the processes of building the school curriculum, understand the foundations of building the school curriculum. Increase the knowledge and skill necessary to analyze the school curriculum. Compare the different organizations for building the school curriculum. To understand the great burden that falls on him as a future teacher in the process of implementing the curriculum. Recognizes the importance of evaluating and developing the school curriculum. To be aware of the importance of his role as a teacher in the process of evaluating and developing the curriculum

MM317 Mathematical Logic 03 Compulsory MM101 +

The course introduces students to the study of the logic of propositions and the study of informal logical systems. It also aims to study logical systems and prove their theorems that depend on definitions as inference rules. It also deals with the study of logical systems and proving their theorems that depend on logical equivalences as inference rules, and quantum logic.

EPSY 200 Educational Psychology 02 Compulsory EPSY 100 +

Mini description The concept, importance and goals of learning psychology. The most important concepts and principles related to the psychology of learning, research methods in educational psychology, understanding the learning process and its conditions. Learning theories, and how to benefit from them in the educational situation. Comparison between learning theories and their educational applications. The importance of transferring the impact of learning as a result of the learning process. The concept of intelligence, special abilities, individual differences, and factors affecting them. The concept of motivation, and providing students with concepts about it, and how to provoke it for them. The student acquired the skill of educational evaluation, building achievement tests, employing knowledge, and psychological educational concepts to serve the educational process.

AR105 Arabic language 3 02 University requirement AR104 +

Summarized course Students apply the rules and especially the writing origins during the lecture, -Actual sentence. -Number provisions. -Delete and increase some letters. -The Judgment of Hamza -Punctuation marks. - Searching in lexicons -Writing reports, writing requests in particular, with application to the typical job application writing method. -General applications on the vocabulary of the rapporteur through the texts of the Holy Koran, the Prophetic Sunnah, the poetry and prose, but not less than ten texts. The examinations are other than these texts

MM202 Ordinary Differential Equations 1 03 Compulsory MM102 +

This course provides the student with solutions to the ordinary differential equation in terms of order and degree. It gives solutions to linear and nonlinear first-order differential equations (Bernoulli's equation). The course deals with solutions of some equations of the second order with nonconstant coefficients using reduction of order, or bysuing a known solution to find another given, or solving Euler's equation. It also deals with solutions of homogeneous and nonhomogeneous linear differential equations of the second order. In addition, it use the Laplace transform in solving differential equations. This course aims to enhance the student's skills in finding solutions to ordinary differential equations and choosing the appropriate method for each equation.

MM206 Static 03 Compulsory MM105 MM114 +

This course introduces the student to the basic concepts of force, its torque around a pivot point, and the reduction of a group of forces that do not meet at a point to a force and coupling, and the Brama result. It also deals with the equilibrium of a group of forces that do not meet in triple space and in two dimensions, and reactions. This course also aims to develop the student's ability to determine friction, slip and overturning, and the moment of inertia, and to know the parallel and perpendicular axes and the moment of inertia of geometric bodies, the two main inertia and the two main levels

MM211 General Mathematics3 04 Compulsory MM102 MM114 +

This course introduces students to the basic concepts of functions in two or more variables and their derivatives. It also deals with multiple integrals, infinite sequences and series. This course also aims to develop the student's ability to find the double and triple integral.

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MM311 Ordinary Differential Equations 2 03 Compulsory MM105 MM202 +

This course introduces the student to a system of linear differential equations of the first order and methods of solving them. It also deals with a study of solutions of differential equations using power series. This course aims to enhance the student's abilities in solving a system of linear equations, as well as employing power series in solving differential equations. It also aims to find solutions to Euler's equation and to get acquainted with some special equations and methods of solving them. The course focuses on finding solutions to differential equations that are difficult to solve using the methods used in Differential Equations 1

MM214 Vector analysis 03 Compulsory MM105 MM114 +

This course introduces the student to the basic concepts of vector functions, the scalar domain and the vector field. It also deals with finding linear, superficial and volumetric integrals. This course aims at developing the student's ability to define the integral theorems in vector analysis, orthogonal coordinate systems.

ST202 Mathematical statistics 03 Compulsory ST101 ST102 +

This course introduces students to the basic concepts of random experiment, sample space, random variables and their types, the probability distribution function of a single random variable (discrete and continuous), and the cumulative probability distribution function. It also deals with mathematical expectation and variance, quantile, moment generating function, the most important discrete and continuous probability distributions. This course also aims at developing the student's ability to determine the probability distribution function of the binary random variable (discrete and connected), the marginal (marginal) probability distribution function, the joint cumulative probability distribution function, and the conditional probability distribution function, as well as knowledge of independent random variables, mathematical expectation, covariance, Correlation, functions of probability distributions of multiple random variables (discrete and continuous) and their properties.

MM213 Set Theory 03 Compulsory MM102 MM317 +

This course introduces the student to the basic concepts of groups. It also deals with proving some theorems on groups. It also aims to know indexed groups. This course aims to develop the student's ability to define relationships, functions, number theory, and congruence.

AR106 Arabic language 4 02 University requirement AR105 +

Students apply rules, especially writing rules, during a lecture. - The nominal sentence. - Application of the provisions of the number. - Questioning style. - Disconnect and connect. - Knowledge of writing messages in general. - Applications to the prestudied spelling rules and punctuation marks. - Some common errors. - Recognize the spelling and linguistic benefits. - Exercises on how to create a question form that is language-correct and use appropriate punctuation. - Practice writing numbers with letters. - General applications on the vocabulary of the course through the texts of the Holy Qur'an, the Sunna of the Prophet, and from the prospective of poetry and prose, provided that they are not less than ten texts.

EPSY301 Research Methods 02 Compulsory EPSY 111 +

Scientific and its characteristics - scientific research scientific research institutions. The researcher, his competence and scientific trends - variables in scientific research and their classifications). Scientific research scheme (preparation of research scheme - elements of research scheme - research sources). Scientific writing tools: (documenting scientific research data - using the library - searching for information sources by computer and Internet services. Methodology of writing in research papers - Methods of documentation in the text - Documentation at the end of the report). Types of educational research: (methodological foundations - cases in which it is used - types, (descriptive research - survey - case study. relational research - historical research - experimental research). Fundamentals of scientific writing: (skills of using the library - introducing the foundations of book classification - how to use references - critical speed reading skills. summarizing skills - writing skills in research papers). Data collection tools in educational research: Observation: (types - advantages and disadvantages of each of them - how to organize them and benefit from the data derived from them). Questionnaire: (Its advantages and disadvantages - how to prepare it and analyze its data - its application through a personal interview). - An applied study to introduce how to analyze textbooks.

EPSY 302 Measurements and Evaluation 02 Compulsory EPSY 100 +

Recognizing the following concepts: psychological measurement - educational evaluation - tests - evaluation, determining the relationship between the four concepts mentioned in the first point, recognizing validity and reliability as conditions for measurement and evaluation, recognizing the types of achievement tests.

MM208 Methods of teaching mathematics 02 Compulsory EPSY101 EPSY201 EPSY202 +

This course is a theoretical basis for the Teaching Applications and Practical Education course. It covers the concept of mathematics curriculum: It includes the study of the elements of the curriculum: content: text content, its characteristics and types, snail content, content problems. Teaching methods: definition of teaching method, types of teaching methods, characteristics of teaching methods. Evaluation: text of measurement, evaluation, types of tests, characteristics of each. Problem-solving method in mathematics and its applications in the mathematics curriculum for the intermediate stage. Studying some examples of the applications of the objectives and content of the methods taught on topics from the mathematical courses taught in the intermediate stages. Subjects presented as practical activities at the intermediate level, sports associations, their activity and contribution to the educational process.

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
EPSY 303 Teaching learning Aids 02 Compulsory +

The course familiarizes the learner with the concept of the communication process and its stages, its elements and its relationship with education and learning, and the concept of the educational medium in accordance with its historical development. and their types and classifications, and the basis for their preparation and effective use to improve the learning and education process.

CS 202 Word processing 03 Compulsory CS101 +

The course provides a quick review of computers, their operating system and application programs - windows and their uses. It also addresses the analysis and design of topics and systems using MATLAB software. In addition, it develops the student's ability to apply the report and research use, programming, analysis and simulation of the program, and an introduction to the SSP program.

EPSY 401 Psychological Health 02 Compulsory EPSY 302 +

MM309 School mathematics 1 02 Compulsory MM103 MM105 MM208 ST101 +

This course provides the student with a scientific, analytical and critical study of the topics of textbooks in mathematics for years (7-9).

MM305 Complex Analysis 1 03 Compulsory MM211 +

This course introduces students to the basic concepts of complex numbers. It also deals with the trigonometric inequality and its generalization to (n) numbers, equality conditions, and complex level topology. This course aims at developing the student's ability to identify functions in a complex variable, elementary functions, and transformations.

MM303 Real Analysis 1 03 Compulsory MM211 MM213 +

This course introduces the student to the basic concepts of the real number line properties of addition and multiplication operations in real numbers and the relationship of ordering real numbers with proof. It also deals with mathematical deduction - the absolute value of the real number and the solution of its inequalities after studying the properties of the absolute value - sequences of real numbers, their definition, types and convergence - sequences Finite - the Cauchy sequence - the relationship of the convergent sequence with the Cauchy sequence - the smallest upper term - the largest lower term - the Archimedes property - theories on the convergence of sequences – exercises. This course aims to develop the student's ability to determine Euclidean non-dimensional space, topology on space Rn, sequences and series in space Rn, limits and continuity.

MM207 Dynamics 03 Compulsory MM206 MM214 +

This course introduces the students to the basic concepts of particle kinematics, motion in a straight line, and motion in a plane with Cartesian, eigenvector, and polar coordinates. It also deals with the equilibrium of a set of non-concurrent forces in three-dimensional space and in two dimensions, and reactions. This course aims to develop the student's ability to determine the kinematics of a rigid body, the velocity of one point with respect to another, And a point wheel relative to another in rotation, rotation with transition, it also deals with particle kinematics, Newton's laws and applications in all types of motion, in addition to motion in a resistive medium, particles of variable mass, projectile motion, small oscillations, restricted motion, linear and rotational momentum and applications on collision and recoil coefficient Work, power, linear and rotational motion of particles and a rigid body.

MM302 Abstract Algebra 1 03 Compulsory MM213 MM215 +

This course introduces students to the basic concepts of binary operations and their properties. It also deals with the group and the cosets to know their basic properties. This course aims to develop the student's ability to define Lagrange's theory and its applications, as well as to know the regular subgroup and its basic properties, the simple group, the quotient group, and homomorphisms in groups (examples and elementary properties), the reciprocal group and its elementary properties. The course focuses on the group properties, and applications, the subgroup, the symetric group, as well as their elementary properties.

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MM306 Complex Analysis 2 03 Compulsory MM214 MM305 +

This course introduces the student to the theoretical study of series with complex terms, complex integration, regular convergence, application to power series and residuals calculation. It also deals with isolated points, the sediment theorem, and the integration of Laurent series in its region of convergence by calculating the real improper integral using the sediment theorem

MM310 School mathematics2 02 Compulsory MM208 MM309 +

This course provides the student with a scientific, analytical and critical study of the topics of textbooks in mathematics for years (10-12).

MM304 Real Analysis 2 03 Compulsory MM303 +

This course introduces the student to the basic concepts of the derivative of real functions - and the derivative of a function in space Rp, also it deals with the middle value theorem - the derivative connection - the chain rule - and the L'Hubetal rule . This course aims to develop the student's ability to determine Derivation of Higher Orders - Taylor's Theorem - Maximum and Minimum Limits, Integration, and Sequences and Series of Functions.

MM403 Abstract Algebra 2 03 Compulsory MM302 +

This course introduces the student to the basic concepts of rings. It also deals with subrings and their properties, the integral domain and its properties, fields (definitions and basic concepts), and the relationship between the integral domain and the field. This course aims to develop the student's ability to find the characteristic of the ring and field, ideals and their properties and principal ideals, Quotient ring and its properties, rings homomorphism and its properties, study the effect of homomorphism on subrings and ideals, the Kernal of homomorphism and its properties, as well as knowing the first theory in the Isomorphism of rings and its application, building a field from integral domain. The course also aims to enhance students' skills in finding prime ideals and their properties in commutative rings, great ideals and their properties in commutative rings, and studying some important rings. The course focuses on rings, fields and integral domain.

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MM308 Numerical Analysis 03 Compulsory CS100 MM202 MM215 +

This course introduces students to the basic concepts of Taylor series, Maclaurin series, the property of convergence, and linear interpolation. It also deals with the numerical solution of a single equation, the numerical solution of a system of linear equations.Finally this course aims at developing the student's ability to determine differential calculus (front differences, central differences), integral calculus (trapezoidal rule, compound trapezoidal rule), Simpson's rule, Simpson's compound rule, error analysis.

MM410E measurement theory 03 Elective MM303 MM304 +

The course aims to introduce students to an introduction to Sets, countability, and the characteristic function. The episode also deals with the σ-type field, measurement, theories on measurement defined on (σ-Algebra), measurable space, measurement space, external measurement, and theories on external measurement. Measured Sets, measurement functions and spaces, and Leupige integration - applications.

MM409E Integral equations 03 Elective MM311 +

This course introduces the student to Volterra's integral equations and their relationship to linear differential equations, in addition to methods of solving them, including degenerate nuclei and successive convergence. It also deals with the analytical Vriedholm equations and methods of solving them by separating the nuclei. This course also introduces the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of homogeneous integral equations.

MM408E Operations Research 03 Elective MM105 +

The course aims at introducing students to the introduction to operations research. It also deals with transmission and distribution, assignment issues, and network analysis. Finally it aims at introducing students to substitution (substitution theory), game theory, knowledge of waiting lines, systems and solutions, inventory theory, economic concepts, and solution calculation.

MM407E History of Mathematics 03 Elective MM206 MM213 MM214 MM311 +

The course aims to introduce students to the importance of the history of mathematics, as well as an overview of historical heritage, and the importance of studying the history of mathematics. It also aims to introduce students to the Arabs and Muslims’ duty towards their historical heritage, know the evolution of mathematical science, and famous Muslim scholars in mathematics.

MM406E Functional Analysis 03 Elective MM304 +

This course offers students different metric spaces, standard spaces and Panach spaces as it addresses the variation of Holder menkowski, Reese theory, Fisher, Hannah-Panach theory and the theory of completion. The Rapporteur is also interested in the study of Helbert spaces and interrelated systems, which are presented on linear and limited effects on different spaces.

MM405E linear programming 03 Elective MM215 +

This course provides the student with an introduction and examples of the mathematical model for simple linear programming problems. It also deals with the concept of the graphic method for solving linear programming problems, including the solution area and vertices. This course aims at developing the student's ability to find the system of equations, the simplified method, arithmetic improvements (checks), coupling, sensitivity analysis, finite variables, and correct programming.

MM401 Partial Differential Equations 03 Compulsory MM215 MM311 +

This course introduces students to the concept of partial differential equations, linear and nonlinear first order partial differential equations, and methods for their solution. It also deals with the Pfaff differential equation and its solutions, partial differential equations of the second order, and various methods for its solution. The course focuses on solving partial differential equations and determining the appropriate method for each case.

MM400 Teaching applications 02 Compulsory MM208 MM310 +

The purpose of the teaching applications course is to prepare the student practically for the stage of practical education by providing opportunities for the student to practice teaching in various ways (teaching methods) within the college in order to acquire the teaching skills necessary to prepare for practical education on the one hand, and for teaching on the other hand. Through this course, the student applies and trains on the various modern teaching methods that were covered during the general teaching methods courses and the special teaching methods, including training in giving lessons, planning the lesson, Preparing questions, discussing, designing exams, correcting them, dealing with students, evaluation and evaluation, class management, using technology in teaching, and all other skills and tasks that the teacher performs in all psychological, behavioral and scientific aspects are dealt whit in this course, too.

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MM404 Graduation project 04 Compulsory EPSY301 MM303 +

The student chooses a scientific topic (according to his specialization), submits it to the department as a proposal, and then conducts scientific research on the topic following the steps and methodology of the correct scientific research including problem identification, data collection, analysis, usefulness of the research, previous studies on the research topic, research results, recommendations, etc. The purpose of the graduation project is to train the student to conduct research in his/her field through the application of the concepts and principles he/she studied during the previous semesters in the faculty

EPSY 402 Teaching Practice 04 Compulsory EPSY 411 +

practicum training program; Provided by teacher preparation institutions; under its supervision over a limited period of time; With the aim of providing an opportunity for student teachers to apply what they have learned of theoretical subjects in practice while they are actually teaching in educational institutions; Which leads to achieving familiarity between them and the human and material elements in these institutions, and providing them with the educational competencies necessary for them.Description of the practical part:The student should be able to apply the practical aspect of his academic and educational specialization.Training the student teacher on teaching methods in a scientific way.Training the student teacher on the design and use of various educational aids.