Department of Mathematics

Word Of the Head Department of Mathematics

In the name of Allah, and all praise be to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon the seal of the prophets and messengers, our master Muhammad, and upon his family and companions altogether. After this, it is our pleasure in this electronic space to refer to the Mathematics Department, which is one of the important and leading scientific departments at the Faculty of Education, Tripoli. The students in this department study a total of (53) courses, comprising (139) study units. The department includes a number of distinguished faculty members from various specialties and academic degrees, all contributing to the enhancement of the educational and pedagogical process within the department and the college. Since assuming the leadership of the department, we have been striving to continue what our esteemed colleagues before us have started, particularly in prioritizing the educational process, as it is the cornerstone in the advancement of the department. The department is dedicated to keeping pace with change and development to fulfill its noble mission of graduating qualified mathematicians and educators, contributing to national development plans and programs in middle and higher education. In conclusion, through the department's and college's academic and research plans, we seek progress and advancement, aiming to graduate individuals who will benefit both society and the nation. We extend our gratitude to all colleagues in the department for their dedicated efforts in the educational process, and we express our thanks to the dean of the college, colleagues in other departments, and all staff. May Allah guide us all to what He loves and is pleased with, and we ask Him to guide our steps towards what is good and successful.Dr. Rabia Hussein Oweidan, Head of the Mathematics Department


The Mathematics Department aspires to be a leader in achieving outstanding outcomes in mathematics and its teaching methods locally and regionally.


Graduating qualified individuals with expertise in mathematics and its teaching methods, enabling them to possess scientific and professional competence to contribute to the development of scientific research and the advancement of community and environmental services.


• Training specialists in mathematics and its teaching methods who contribute to national development programs and plans in various stages of education and higher education.• Providing students with mathematical and pedagogical knowledge that enables them to practice modern teaching in primary and secondary education.• Meeting the needs of other scientific departments in the college and the university for mathematical courses and encouraging scientific communication with specialists in other fields.• Encouraging the use of scientific research skills, critical and creative thinking, and problem-solving techniques.• Creating a supportive environment that enhances a sense of belonging to the department, the college, and the community. Encouraging initiative, communication, respect, exchange of opinions, self-learning, professional development, and helping students to pursue postgraduate studies in the future.• Establishing and disseminating the foundations, concepts, and practices of quality among all department members.• Maximizing the use of modern technological resources and information technology to develop cognitive and research capabilities in the field of mathematics and its teaching methods.

Organizational Structure for Department of Mathematics

Facts about Department of Mathematics

We are proud of what we offer to the world and the community




Academic Staff



