Department of Islamic Studies

Word Of the Head Department of Islamic Studies

In the name of God, and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God and upon his good family and companions. Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, who made the pursuit of knowledge a reason for raising one’s ranks and winning good deeds. God Almighty said: “God will raise those of you who have believed and those who have been given knowledge by degrees, and God will raise those who have believed among you and those who have been given knowledge by degrees; and God will raise for what you do.” expert..

On my own behalf and on behalf of my fellow faculty members in the Department of Islamic Studies at the College of Education, Qasr Bin Ghashir, one of the prestigious colleges of the University of Tripoli, I would like to welcome visitors to the website of the Department of Islamic Studies, which was opened in the academic year (2006/2007), and was The number of students affiliated with it when it was opened was 120 male and female students, and their number reached 465 male and female students in the fall semester of 2009 AD, due to the region’s need for the presence of this department and the educational services it provides. The educational process in this department is managed by a number of qualified, continental faculty members. High qualifications and long experience in the field of education, in educational and legal specializations.

Since its inception, the department has been keen to present its scientific mission in preparing qualified cadres for teaching and teaching in schools. We strive to develop and improve curricula and push the educational process towards quality and excellence.

I renew my welcome to visitors, and I hope that you will find on this site what you are looking for in terms of scientific benefit from the research and specialized scientific dissertations published by professors.

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Excellence scientifically, educationally and research in the field of forensic sciences in service to society.


The department seeks to prepare scientifically qualified educational cadres in the field of Islamic studies. To support the educational process and scientific research, and to meet the community’s needs for teachers in the basic and middle education stages.


Through its academic subjects and theoretical and practical scientific curricula, the department aims to:

1. Graduating cadres of teachers who are scientifically, educationally and professionally qualified in the specialty of Islamic studies to teach in the basic and intermediate education stages.

2. Develop and improve the academic program in the Department of Islamic Studies to raise the level of graduates.

3. Strengthening cooperation with corresponding institutions to exchange scientific and cultural experiences.

4 - Students acquire the basic principles of scientific research in the field of Islamic studies.

5 - Contributing to serving and developing society by paying attention to contemporary societal issues.


Value :

1- Commitment to the lofty values of Islam.

2- Sincerity in work.

3- The strength of belonging to the institution.

4- Be scientifically honest, objective and positive in scientific research.

5- Working in a team spirit.

6 - Integrity and transparency in evaluation and in all administrative transactions.

Organizational Structure for Department of Islamic Studies

Facts about Department of Islamic Studies

We are proud of what we offer to the world and the community




Academic Staff



