Master in Plant Protection

faculty of Agriculture - Department of Plant Protection



Postgraduate studies at the Department of Plant Protection began in 1976. The postgraduate courses (Masters) consist of postgraduate study, its sciences, plant sciences, and electives. The student must pass no less than 36 credits during 6 semesters, including a thesis research (6 credits). Graduate studies Senior Division of Diseases be able to 1. The use of scientific research in studies with the skills of different agricultural pests. 2. Participation in integrated control programs for pest management in agricultural projects. 3. Employing skills in agricultural production in line with the needs of society and meeting the needs of the labor market


1. Employing acquired scientific research skills in studies related to insect and animal pest control.

2. Using agricultural sciences and their applications in the field of controlling insect and animal pests and benefiting from beneficial insects.

3. Implementation of integrated control programs for pest management in agricultural projects.

4. Application of modern techniques used in determining damages caused by insect pests and arthropods.

5. Applying various administrative and technical processes in designing agricultural projects aimed at serving the community and meeting the needs of the labor market.


A postgraduate graduate of the Faculty of Agriculture, specializing in Plant Protection - Specializing in Entomology, is characterized by the ability to:

1. Using methods and skills, knowing how to write research methods, and benefiting from them in the research and practical fields.

2. Applying scientific knowledge in the field of identifying insect pests that affect agricultural crops in Libya and methods of controlling them.

3. Learn the skills of dealing with special devices and modern technologies available in the field of pest control.

4. Creating programs to control various insect pests that affect agricultural crops and their products, and developing methods of raringfor beneficial insects.

5. Preserving national food security by defining the best ways to improve agricultural production without harming the environment (plant protection, conservation, pest control, prevention and treatment methods).

Certificate Rewarded

Master Degree in Plant Protection- Entomology

Entry Reuirements

For admission to the Master`s degree at the Faculty of Agriculture, the following is required:

1. The applicant must have a bachelor's degree in agricultural sciences or equivalent certificates recognized by the competent authority for certificate equivalency.

2. The applicant should not have been previously dismissed from a postgraduate program in any other educational institution.

3. The applicant must pass the admission  exam prepared by the scientific department .

4. The applicant must be a habitual resident of Libya when accepted to study at the faculty.

5. Priority for admission is given to teaching assistants who are candidates for postgraduate studies from universities and higher education institutions in Libya without burdening them with an entrance exam and comparison.

6. Candidates from public entities are subject to admission and preference exams, with the exception of candidates under provisions including scientific cooperation agreements approved and in force at the university and in a manner that does not contradict the provisions of the articles of this regulation.

7 . Foreign students who receive scholarships are accepted in accordance with the terms of the agreements concluded between the State of Libya and other countries and regional and international organizations affiliated to it.

8. Submitting evidence of the employer's approval - with regard to workers - to devote themselves to study, partially or completely.

9. Students holding higher diplomas may be admitted to the corresponding departments, provided that they take complementary courses as a condition determined by the scientific department according to the controls set forth in this bylaw.

10. The required documents, original and approved by the competent authorities, shall be submitted to the Office of Postgraduate Studies and Training at the Faculty to conduct the admission  exam in accordance with the dates set by the Department of Postgraduate Studies and Training at the University.

Study Plan

The Master in Plant Protection prepares students to qualify for Master in Plant Protection. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 6 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 36 units, which include 0 units of general subjects, and 0 major units

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ِAP 4003 Field Plot Technique 03 General +

Introduction (principles and statistical concepts) – T-test – Chi-square test – Analysis of variance (assumptions and conditions for analysis of variance – Data transformation) – One factor and factorial experiments – Completely randomized design – Complete randomized block design – Latin square design – Means separation tests – Split plot designs – Nested design.

CS 4154 04 Compulsory +

FT4213 03 General +

Elective Subjects

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
PLP4223 Disease Epidemiology and Control 03 Elective +

Determine the percentage of losses resulting from disease, using proper methods in disease control, predicting the occurrence of infection to escape the occurrence of the disease.

PP 4674 Biological Control 04 Elective +

Studying (BC history), its evolution and development and why biocontrol, recent interests in (BC), environmental background and biological control strategies, agricultural ecosystems and (BC), components of plant-pathogen-BCA, properties and characteristics of Biological Control Agents, isolation and formulation protocols (BCA protocols), attaining legal permissions to allow proliferation and authorization1. to manufacture, application and exportation of BCA bioproducts, Biological control mechanisms, examples of new methods in biocontrol. 2. Introduction to biological insect control, biological enemies and their mechanisms, predators. Their general characteristics, methods of classification and examples, the biology of parasitoids. Biological data, types of parasitism, feeding stages of parasite larvae with examples, examples of orders and families of parasites.Biological control of insect pests by nematodes, relationships between nematodes and insect pests, division of entomopathogenic nematodes, relationship between (insect) and biology of entomopathogenic nematodes and their applications, study of the life cycles of entomopathogenic nematodes,

PLP4996 Research 06 Compulsory +

This course aims to enable the student to choose the subject of study, and to teach him the stages of research. The student also learns how to raise the problem of the chosen research and find solutions and proposals for it.

PLP4971 Seminar 01 Compulsory +

Introduction and choosing the title of the research, determining the importance, objectives and hypotheses, reviewing relevant previous studies, choosing the appropriate method for conducting the research, scanning the various sources required to complete the research, how to use books and periodicals, how to prepare references, how to prepare and present data, how to present a convincing and arguable presentation. And defending it, the first presentation of the research proposal - with supervisors only, the final presentation of the research proposal in the presence of residents and students, making amendments, if any, and preparing the final version of the research for delivery.

PLP4663 Genome 03 Elective +

PLP4653 Research Methods 03 Compulsory +

The aim of this course is to provide students with the body of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of scientific work. Also, the course covers general introduction to methodology of scientific research, including the topics on the principles of science and scientific research and basic concepts and principles of scientific creative work. Also, provides instruction on scientific writing, such as article, report and presentation based on academic criteria.

PLP4363 Biological Electron Microscope 03 Elective +

The aim of this course is toeducate students on the economicimportance of Electronmicroscopes to humans, science .The lectures will focus on variousaspects of Electron microscopesincluding: life history, behavior,and the external, enternal of allmajor components and theiroperations

PLP4353 Advanced Apiculture 03 Elective +

PLP4314 (Integreated Pest Mangement (IPM 04 Compulsory +

PLP4303 Acarology 03 Elective +

مقدمة على الشكل الظاهري و البيولوجي للحلم و القراد. تصنيف للرتب الشائعة و العائلات المهمة للأكاروسات بما في ذلك الخصائص التشخصية، الأهمية الإقتصادية، طبيعة الضرر، المدى العوائلي لأفات الحلم على المحاصيل المختلفة و المنتجات المخزونة. كذلك مناقشة معلومات عامة على المعيشة و طرق المكافحة. العملي: زيارات حقلية، جمع و تعريف لأنواع الحلم المهمة و أعدائهم الطبيعية على مختلف المحاصيل و النباتات، التدريب على تعريف عائلات الحلم المصاحبة للنباتات و تقديم معلومات على أفات حلم النباتات.

PLP4254 Advanced Insect Taxonomy 04 Elective +

مفهوم تصنيف الحشرات، الصفات والاجراءات التصنيفية، طرق جمع و عزل الحشرات و طرق حفظها، النماذج التصنيفية، التوزيع والانعزال الجغرافي، التاريخ العرقي وأصل الأنواع، الرتب الحشرية ، وظيفتها و انواعها، الانتخاب الطبيعي، التقسيم الوراثي، التصنيف الحيوي، القواعد الدولية في تسمية المراتب التقسيمية

PLP4243 Advanced Pests of Store products 03 Elective +

The student acquires knowledge about the following topics: Stored pest types, their life cycle and their harm. In addition, studying the most important pests which infest field crops. Primary and secondary pests affecting cereal grains, legumes, dates and their products in stores, as well as methods of identifying insect infestations in stored grain and its products, and methods of control used.

PLP4213 Physiological Plant Pathology 04 Compulsory +

This course provides the knowledge of plant-microbe interactions on a cellular and molecular levels, in particular, Plant reactions the pathogens’ attacks, and the nature of the apparent, biochemical, physiological and cellular changes resulting from infection or plant resistance to disease through various mechanisms responsible for the changes that occur in plant growth and yield losses, as a result of being infected by various organisms.

PLP4203 Advanced Insect Ecology 03 Compulsory +

The student studies: the concept of insect ecology, the ecology of individual insects, insect habitats and their nutritional relationships, acquisition of natural resources, assessment of insect community systems, numerical changes in insect communities, ecosystem components and their importance, natural ecological balance, bioavailability factors, environmental resistance factors, insects as a regulator of ecosystem processes.

PLP4193 Physiology of Fungi 03 Elective +

This course deals with the study of fungal –fungal interactions and with other living organisms. Topics covered will include structure of the cell and its biological, biochemical, physiological characteristics, and the impact of the environment on its growth, and the most important processes of biodegradation of the cell. Particular emphasis will be placed on growth, reproduction, and cell death of the fungus.

PLP4164 Taxonomy of nematodes 04 Elective +

This course aims to study Evolution of Taxonomy of nematodes, methods of classification and definition of nematodes, free living nematodes, phytopathogenic nematodes, group Dorylimida and its genera, group Tylenchida and its genera

PLP4143 Advanced Virology 03 Elective +

The aim of this course is to educate students on the economic importance of viruses to humans, science and to the ecosystem. The lectures will focus on various aspects of virus biology including: virus Characteristics, anatomy and physiology, life history, behavior, ecology and the taxonomy of all major viruses and the method of diagnosis, transition، and the method of control

PLP4084 Diagnosis of Plant Disease 04 Compulsory +

Introduction to the diagnosis of phythopathogenic fungi, Taxonomy and morphological character , Modern interests in establishing a Laboratory for the diagnosis of plant diseases, Methods of dealing diagnosis of obligate fungi, Methods used in field diagnosis, helping factors to diagnosis diseases, morphological characters associated to some diseases. Introduction to nemathology, economic importance of plant pathogenic nemathodes, parasitism methods, symptoms bellow and above the soil surface, compare the symptoms caused by nemathods and other pathogen. Modern classification of bacteria, modern methods for bacterial disease diagnosis, integrated control of bacterial disease, methods of preparing media and isolating and identifying bacteria. Physical diagnostic methods, serologicaldiagnostic methods, electron microscopic examination methods, photographic methods used.

PLP4064 Advanced Phytopathogenic Fungi 04 Elective +

This course deals with an introduction of fungi, economic importance, general characteristics, growth and development of fungi, morphology of fungi, structure, nutrition, reproduction of fungi, taxonomy of fungi, concept of species, traditional classification, modern classification, phylogenetic classification.

PLP4024 Seed Pathology 04 Elective +

- Detect methods of isolation and identification of different pathogens on or inside seeds. - Distinguish the techniques of transmission of pathogens through different seed parts to the plant. - Illustrate the effect of environmental factors on the occurrence of disease epidemics through seed transmission. - Studying relationships between different pathogens in the transmission mechanisms of seed diseases. - Distinguish seed storage problems and methods of prevention. - Detect methods of controlling seed diseases. - Using laboratory methods to test the safety of seeds.

PLP 4153 Biology and Control of Nematodes 03 Elective +

Aِِn introduction and a brief history of plant pathogenic nematodes, distribution and spread of nematodes, adaptation of nematodes to different environmental conditions and their feeding methods, living and non-living factors that affect the life of nematodes, different methods of nematode control, applications of integrated management, systems for evaluating the effectiveness of different management of nematodes.